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Consultancy for the historic built environment

KMHeritage provides advice, guidance and support on all aspects of development in the historic built environment. With a background in the private and public sectors, KMHeritage understands the needs and objectives of the various parties to the development process.

Experience in private sector architecture, in local government conservation and at English Heritage allows KMHeritage to offer broad insight, knowledge of processes and an expert understanding of historic buildings and areas. KMHeritage advises owners, developers, architects and surveyors, planners, conservation and design teams, public sector heritage bodies, amenity groups, regeneration agencies and all who have a stake in the historic built environment.

KMHeritage was established by Kevin Murphy Kevin Murphy B.Arch MUBC RIBA IHBC in 2005. Between 1999 and 2004, Kevin was an Inspector of Historic Buildings in the London Region of English Heritage and dealt with a range of major projects involving listed buildings and conservation areas in London. Prior to this, he had been a conservation officer with the London Borough of Southwark, and led the Conservation and Design Team at the London Borough of Hackney. He trained and worked as an architect, and has a specialist qualification in urban and building conservation. He has worked in Ireland, France, Scotland and England.

Kevin has stepped back from full time work and passed the leadership of the consultancy to Anne Roache. 

Anne Roache MA. MSc. is an experienced heritage professional who has worked for leading commercial organisations in the fields of property, planning and law. She has a specialisation in the archaeology, architectural and social history of London.

KMHeritage's business and office is run by Karen O'Keeffe (Dist) HNC Town & Country Planning. Karen has 30 years experience in regeneration & economic development. Karen has been a Head of Service at the London Borough of Southwark responsible for economic development and strategic regeneration partnerships in the north of the borough. Karen has extensive experience of leading complex regeneration programmes, planning and inward investment, project management, policy development, business planning and budget management.